Are you worried that you might not be able to find ways on how to stop a divorce? If you are that person and have tried everything in an effort to keep your relationship from falling apart,or pushing your partner away without you realizing it, then this is for you.
Following are some of the things most people do when they think they know how to stop a divorce.
1. Reassurance
Most people try hard to tell their partner that they have change. They reassure them that if they stay in the relationship, things will be different. If you have been pleading with your partner to stay and reassuring him that everything will be better, then you could be pushing him further away.
2. Desperation
The majority of women trying to stop a divorce tell their partner over and over again 'I love you'. They want him to see how much they care in the hope that it will make him stay. Trying to make your partner understand how much you love him and how much you need him is almost certain to make him want to pull away. After all, if you keep telling him that you can not live without him and he is the only one who can make you happy, then he is seeing that act of desperation as coming from a person who no longer has the confidence of the woman he originally fell in love with.
3. Talking
Many women spend endless hours talking, arguing, reasoning, analyzing and trying to fix a failing relationship. This tactic never works. In fact, it simply reinforces to a man that the relationship must be in serious trouble. If it requires this much arguing and analyzing, so why keep trying? Nobody wants to be married to someone who constantly wants to focus on the negative aspects of everything that is going on.
While these things are almost normal instinctive behaviors for many women, they do not actually work when it comes to finding ways how to stop a divorce. What works is taking a step back and looking at your relationship a little differently. It is time to remove the emotion for just a moment and work on the dynamics of how you and your partner connected in the first place.
Think about when you first met. You would both have been happy and confident and cheerful. It was just fun to be in each others company. You would have been quite happy to accept your partner for who he was and you would have both made an effort to be sure to compromise on some things so you were both happy. Your partner would have fallen madly in love with you because you made him feel happy when you were together.
In order to find a real way how to stop a divorce, you need to figure out how to get back that happy, confident woman your husband fell in love with originally. This is not the same thing as getting a make-over. Your physical appearance is not going to change a person's emotions. You will need to stop focusing on the negative aspects of what's going on and work on your own inner happiness. When you are happy and confident on the inside, you suddenly become more like the person your partner loves and respects.The woman he enjoys spending time with and that will also be the woman he will stop pulling away from.
When you raise your confidence levels to that point and avoid all the usual triggers that push men away, you will have learned the easiest way of how to stop
a divorce.