How To Challenge To Add Spark Into Your Relationship

Are you wondering how you can challenge your girlfriend. Are you afraid if you do, you might be dumped? Women often like their men to be a tough. They seem to respect those men who are not afraid to face challenge more than the man who agrees with everything. Sure they may complain their boyfriends are awkward but underneath they like it.

So how can you challenge your love of your life without taking this too far and end up being dumped very quickly which you do not want to happen. If you think your partner is taking you for granted, become a little less available. The next time she rings or texts to arrange last minute plans be unavailable. Have alternative arrangements in place even if it means you are washing your hair. She will slowly get the message that you have a life and while she is important to you, she may not be the axis your world turns on.

If you are always the one to initiate nights out, try taking a back seat and see what happens. Will she organize things instead . If you send her flowers every week, skip one and see what her reaction is. I am not suggesting you start ignoring the woman in your life but if you have been acting like a doormat it is time to change. It is nice for a man to pay for dinner on the first date but you should not always have to pay particularly if you have similar incomes. If you earn less than her, she should definitely be paying her way most of the time.

Arrange nights out with your own friends and go out alone. Even people involved in a couple deserve a night out alone every so often. Your girlfriend may not like it but so long as you behave yourself why should not you go without her.

You do not need to radically change your personality and become someone you are not. It will only make you uncomfortable. In answering how to be a challenge to your girlfriend, you are looking to make small changes to put the spice back into the relationship. If you always concentrate on her pleasure in the bedroom, start becoming a little more demanding. If you always initiate sex, take a back seat for a little while and let her worry about why you are not as eager as you once were.

Do not behave like you are always eager to please her.It may be fun for a little while but most girls will eventually get bored with your behavior. A new man will come along who offers them a challenge and they will dump you. If you love this woman, you need to learn the secrets of a successful relationship, otherwise you will be single again.